Fire fly render
How to create two sided materials?
User Posts:
Hello Kirgman,
It seems I can't create two sided materials in Centileo. I have a plane and I want texture on its front and silver material on its back. I am looking something similar to c4d default front,back, both check box in material. Or a node that can define the same function. It seems like centileo is not recognizing the side selection.
materials disappear from the node editor
User Posts:
Hello Kirgman,
When on IPR, if I delete any node (say gradient) the whole material node system, delete from the editor. Is it a bug, or it is supposed to be like this? What about the next update?
Gradient textured lights
User Posts:
Hello, I need to create textured lights (light projection) with centieo.
I couldn't find a way to do so. Emission material is not providing the exact look, it is spreading the light too much. Usually I work with a spot light/ ies light with the desired texture, but centileo seems not liking the texture in light. Any idea? Centileo with mesh emission and spot light C4d physical render with spot light. The second image is I am looking to recreate but with GI and bounce light. In Blender Cycles I already did. |
png alpha issue, texture issue
User Posts:
I am facing problem with png images with transparency. See the screen shot PNG file doesn't use the alpha correctly. Cinema 4d standard render has the same issue with transparent png file, but once I connect the alpha with material alpha and turn on image alpha it will be good. In centileo i couldn't solve this issue. Connecting the png alpha to the material alpha is not working. In the screenshot Left square one is png and the right one is tiff, both have the same circle with alpha. |
Falling Gold Coins, Testing the speed of Centileo
User Posts:
I did some test with Centileo recently. The coin renders were pretty fast on my GPU (GTX 1660) with all reflection and depth of field turned on.
Render time is around 15 sec/ frame. Watch the video at Though I did some adjustments in the render, No displacement used Max iteration= 1 Ray bounce = 4 Denoise image= on Scene contains hdr =1 light- 3 400 instanced coins with 6904 poly face. Depth of field =1